Let go of old methods & try something new for learning Hungarian

It’s time to be the consistent Hungarian language learner you’ve always wanted to be with the right material in hand that is:

  • by levels (A2 - B2)

  • real Hungarian

  • not overwhelming

  • covers all four skills

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Try something new for learning Hungarian
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Kind words from kind members

Patreon member

What I like about this subscription is the fact that the materials are well suited to my level - there is always a choice, I can either pick a text designed for beginners or more advanced learners. Sziszi creates modern and original content - it's nothing like some of these dull textbook exercises! All is very useful and fun.

Patreon "Vizsla" member

Vizsla tagságom van, és legjobban a havi találkozókat szeretem. Úgy érzem magam, mintha egy bulin lennék, mindig szuper a hangulat, jókat nevetünk, de közben sokat tanulunk és gyakorolunk is. Egy csoda, hogy a világ különböző részein elő emberek magyarul beszélgethetnek vidám és komolyabb témákról.

Patreon member

Sziszi remek tanár, aki tényleg szeretne segíteni mindenkinek egyre jobban megérteni a magyar nyelvet. Már egy éve Patreon tag vagyok és imádom a motivációt és a mindennapi nyelvtudást, amit megoszt. Kedves és segítőkész és nagyon hasznos és hatékony a tananyag, amit készít.

Telegram Speaking Course

What I liked about the course were the topics and modern conversation experience, not like with old teachers who talked about food and real estate. This course felt alive to me because it's basically sharing each other's experiences and opinions just as it is, and it was very interesting to do that. Also, I like how it pushes you to listen, to understand the voice messages. I liked the flexibility the most, it's kind of like freelance studying but with a teacher. And the feedback was helpful to me, because some details you can't look up on the internet, only ask a native speaker. So yeah, I definitely recommend this course!

Telegram Speaking Course

This Hungarian language course on Telegram was super helpful for me. It challenged me to discuss various topics, pushing me to think more structurally and refine my spoken responses. Sziszi's personalized feedback was particularly valuable and something that I haven't been able to get in other study methods. The flexibility of the format made it possible for me to re-record my answers, which in-and-of itself was a great learning tool. This course is a super fun tool for anyone looking to improve their Hungarian language skills!!!


Limited courses

Speaking Course on Telegram

In traditional classes, there's always something new every lesson, leaving no space to practice what you already know or to build your own sentences. That's why I’ve created a fresh, unique learning experience. Instead of overwhelming you with endless vocabulary and grammar rules, we'll focus on what truly matters: expressing yourself confidently with the knowledge you already have.

I want this!
From a2 level
Unique mentoring program

This is my own innovative approach you won’t find anywhere else. I'm going to guide you every step of the way, empowering you to become a master of self-study. No more aimless wandering. This program will give you everything you've been lacking - system, structure, routine, well-defined goals, and support. Together, we'll find what works for You. Are you ready for the transformation?

I want this!
Podcast for learning Hungarian
Podcast by levels with transcription

Podcast by levels with transcription

Listening to podcasts and analyzing the text is an amazing method for language learning. You can find episodes on all levels and I promise you’ll love the topics! It’ll make you want to understand more and more!

Get the transcript here
Videos with subtitles

Videos with subtitles (A2-B2)

  • Easy Hungarian about everyday topics

  • Cultural fun facts

  • About the right mindset

  • Interviews with native speakers to hear authentic Hungarian

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Newsletter for learning Hungarian

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For information about upcoming courses, recommendations for authentic content, freebies, self-study tips and thoughts about language learning, subscribe here. All the newsletters are in Hungarian with English translation.

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